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Who Is The LUVCOACH Bruce Starr?

The LuvCoach Bruce Starr, is an Internationally known Speaker and Workshop Facilitator, Radio Personality and Television Producer, Author, Relationship Coach and MatchMaker.  


For over 39 years Bruce has been on a self-study journey studying several different philosophies on life and has helped a countless number of people.  

Bruce has studied the Course in Miracles with Marianne Williamson; traveled the country with Saul Steinberg, the original Publisher of a Course in Miracles; for many years attended the Agape Church with Rev. Michael Beckwith, who has appeared on The Secret and Dr. Oz; was personally mentored by Dr. Pat Allen, Adviser on The Millionaire Matchmaker with Patty Stanger, and has had the privilege to rub shoulders with many others who have been in the public eye for years. 

The LUVCOACH has and will continue to dedicate his life to helping people return to what each and every person craves, but has run from.  

Bruce Starr
Author of 


A relationship eBook to help you
to your natural state of love.

Message from author Bruce Starr


Who will benefit from this book

Anyone who has been hurt and is tired of the game as they attempted to make it work will want to read this book. Those who have not yet loved will be able to learn from other people's mistakes that are pursuing relationships that lack depth and commitment. With this new information, those wanting intimacy again will be able to venture out and take a chance on love and life again. The book will help with insights that will save people years of frustration and heartbreak.

This book will help any single or relationships minded person wanting to let go of destructive, empty, game playing relationships feel strong enough to want to feel love in their hearts again in a healthy relationship.

“Bodytraders, Transforming Back from Player to Lover” is a step by step guide that will allow us to return to something we all crave in our lives and may not even know!

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